Resources & Tools for Coaching

Books, E-books and Articles
BOOK: Conflict to Cooperation
Author / speakers:
Master Trainer ICU Garry McDaniel (Author), Barry Silverberg (Narrator)
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Short Description:
Conflict to Cooperation Paperback – January 1, 2005 …

Books, E-books and Articles
BOOK The Dog’s Guide to Your Happiness: Seven Secrets for a Better Life from Man’s Best Friend
Author / speakers:
Master Trainer ICU Garry McDaniel and Sharon Massen
Date (of last updates):
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Short Description:
How do we define happiness in a world where people regularly feel rushed, stressed, and overwhelmed by the daily demands of life? Authors Garry McDaniel and Sharon Massen suggest that we look to our canine companions to learn what happiness is really about. Based on the authors’ research and insights as well as real-life stories about dogs and their people, this eye-opening guide helps us explore seven essential traits for happiness through the eyes of our trusted furry friends…
Books, E-books and Articles
Educational Coaching as a Acmecentricity System of Innovative Pedagogical Technologies
Author / speakers:
Vsevolod Zelenin (Master Trainer ICU), O.Antoniuk
Date (of last updates):
Language (-es):
English, Ukrainian
Members ONLY
Short Description:
The article investigates coaching as an innovative approach in pedagogy. The essence of the profession of a coach as a specialist, which contributes to the in-depth identification of latent talents of an individual and their full social realization, is analyzed. It was found that coaching is an acmecentric process that helps individual people, groups and teams to realize their potential in the most effective way. It has been established that in the educational sphere coaching is used for the full disclosure of individual and group potential in order to maximize productivity and effective learning. The difference between pedagogical and educational coaching is outlined. It was determined that the specificity of the pupil-coach (student-coach) relationship is organizational and leadership practices based on subject-subject cooperation in the format of teamwork. It was found that coaching cr eates a personal dimension of learning and upbringing in the educational space, which promotes independence and maturity both in thinking and in actions…

Books, E-books and Articles
BOOK: “Fundamentals of Political Speechwriting: A Textbook”.
Author / speakers:
Vsevolod Zelenin (Master Trainer ICU)
Date (of last updates):
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Short Description:
The author addresses this book to students, graduate students, and university instructors whose areas of academic interest encompass disciplines such as “political science,” “psychology,” “journalism,” “social communications,” and more. It’s also intended for practitioners specializing in public and government policy, mass communications, advertising, PR, and conducting electoral campaigns.

Books, E-books and Articles
BOOK: “Between Greatness and Trauma: Treatise on Selective Psychodiagnostics in Coaching” (Monograph).
Author / speakers:
Vsevolod Zelenin (Master Trainer ICU)
Date (of last updates):
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Short Description:
This monograph will be beneficial for professional coaches, business trainers and consultants, psychologists, psychotherapists, as well as anyone interested in coaching as an opportunity for personal growth and realizing their full potential.

Books, E-books and Articles
BOOK: “Coaching for Status: Social Elevator. Educational Guide.”
Author / speakers:
Master Trainer ICU Vsevolod Zelenin
Date (of last updates):
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Short Description:
This book is for those who want to gain the best chances in social competition. Being a winner in life means moving upwards in life.
Books, E-books and Articles
Philosophical and methodological sources and history of the development of coaching (Research).
Author / speakers:
Master Trainer ICU Zelenin Vsevolod, PhD in Psychology, Professor of the Department of Political Psychology and International Relations
Date (of last updates):
Language (-es):
English, Ukrainian, Russian.
Members ONLY
Short Description:
Keywords:coaching, history of coaching, development of coaching, sources of coaching, coaching in Ukraine.
Abstract. Over the past twenty years, the post-Soviet countries have accumulated a significant layer of misconceptions and distortions about the history, practice, and worldview, scientific and methodological fundamentals of coaching. The consequences of this are the dissemination of data in scientific publications misinterpreting the essence, goals and objectives of coaching. The primary purpose of the research is to identify scientifically reliable and substantiated data on methodological sources and the history of coaching in the world and in Ukraine. The scientific methods of cognition were used in the academic paper, namely: critical analysis of literature, statistical information and expert publications on development of coaching, synthesis of information, grouping, comparison, chronology, as well as methods of induction and deduction…

Books, E-books and Articles
Introduction of Coaching Technologies Into Educational Practice (Research)
Author / speakers:
Vsevolod Zelenin (Master Trainer ICU), T. Andrushchenko, M. Mymryk, O. Oleksiienko, K. Vashchenko
Date (of last updates):
Language (-es):
Members ONLY
Short Description:
The purpose of the research is to substantiate the theoretical and methodological fundamentals and to identify the problems of implementing coaching technologies in the practice of education. The methodological basis of the research consists of the following methods of economic analysis, namely: observation and system analysis, process approach method, comparative analysis and synthesis, functional-system approach, graphical and tabular methods. Based on the results of the research conducted, it has made itpossible to establish that coaching technologies are an effective innovative tool for modernization of the modern education system. They contribute to improving the quality of the educational process due to their ability to develop the education seekers’ skills of self-study, setting goals and achieving them, to increase the level of educational motivation and to ensure successful socialization. The most used methods of coaching have been identified, including as follows: the case study method, the method of emotional stimulation, the discussion method, the mosaic method, the perspective shifting method and the project method.
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