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Coaching Programs

International training programs for coaches, trainers, supervisors with International Coaches Union certification.


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the International Coaches Union Association

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Educational & Training Programs

Comparison of Educational and Training Programs to Become a Certified Coach or Trainer in the International Coaches Union Association

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Who can evaluate and certify Evaluation organised and Certificates are signed by an ICU Master Trainer or an ICU Trainer who is authorized by the Master Trainer (based on a written agreement for working in the region, indicating that the MT delegates certification responsibilities to them jointly. Copies of these agreements should be kept at the Association). Professional Master Trainer ICU Professional Master Trainer ICU Council of Professional Master Trainers  ICU. Board of Director of ICU Association Council of Professional Master Trainers  ICU. Board of Director of ICU Association

Coaching and Training Program


Associated Coach


Professional Coach


Professional Master Coach


Professional Trainer


Professional Master Trainer

Membership Category in ICU Association  Associate Members Full Members Trainer Members Master Trainer Members Corporate Members
Coaches and Trainers Professional Qualifications: their Possible Roles and Recommendations
They are qualified to

The Association acknowledges that they have completed a coaching training program but have not reached the sufficient level of professional preparation required for the Professional Coach ICU level. This may be due to an insufficient number of supervision hours, coaching hours, or other requirements necessary for the next level. They are already associated with the coaching profession. However, the Association does not guarantee that Associate Coaches will conduct coaching sessions at a high level.

Have the right to lead coaching sessions for clients independently.

Have the ability to conduct coaching sessions with individuals, teams, or groups.

Qualified to provide supervision or mentorship to other coaches.

Design, deliver, and evaluate training programs for individuals or groups.

Provide coaching and training services, teach coaching/ training, and mentor other coaches and trainers.

Qualified to provide supervision or mentorship to other coaches, trainers.

Establish, organize the operational and certification process, manage, or supervise an ICU institute or local groups that are affiliated with the ICU Association, and engaged in providing coaching services and coaching education.

They may work as May work as coaches with mention of their Associated Coach level.

May work independently, or as part of a coaching team or organization.



May work as an independent coach, a coach supervisor or mentor for other coaches, or may lead coaching teams or organizations.

They may work as an independent trainer or as part of a training organization or a company’s HR department.

They may work in various settings, such as private practice, corporations, government agencies, or educational institutions.

May also provide mentorship and independent counseling, advising, and consultation services.

Organizations involved in the coaching profession or related fields, such as training institutions, consultancy firms, or other entities that support the objectives of the ICU. Here are also the local groups that make up the ICU association.
Requirements for Certification as Coach or Trainer in the International Coaches Union Association

Coaching and Training Program


Associated Coach


Professional Coach


Professional Master Coach


Professional Trainer


Professional Master Trainer

Requirement for eligibility for applying to training program for this Category
To have a diploma from a university or college. To have a diploma from a university or college. To become a Professional Master Coach, one must first be certified as a Professional Coach. To become a Professional Trainer, one must first be certified as a Professional Master Coach. 5+ years of experience as a Professional Trainer in ICU.

They may also show the  contribution to the development of coaching standards and the advancement of the coaching profession through research, writing, and advocacy, taking the decisions for ICU Association.

Being a Professional Coach ICU or above.

Organizing the entire training process, while ensuring mandatory collaboration with a Professional Master Trainer ICU who supervises the training programs and ensures adherence to ICU’s ethical and professional standards.

Certification process


A written evaluation covering basic knowledge of the coaching and a coaching session. 1. A written evaluation covering basic and advanced knowledge of the coaching and a coaching session. 

2. Presenting a session either with a live client or on video to unknown client.

3. Presenting documented hours of practice (coaching and supervision).


Certification takes place individually by presenting a session either with a live client or on video.


A written evaluation covering basic and advanced knowledge of the coaching and an oral training session.

Presenting a training (workshop) either with a live group or on video.

An Interview.

One has to apply (or can be awarded) for the interview, successfully pass it and get validation from the Council of Professional Master Trainers  ICU Association.

An Interview.

To organize and  lead an ICU institute you have to apply for the interview, successfully pass it and sign the Contract.

Needed documented hours for certification in coaching or training 


120 + hours (per 60 min) or 16 full days of practical training in coaching, and additional practise of coaching, personal change work, client work: 120 + hours (per 60 min) or 16 full days of practical training in coaching, and additional practise of coaching, personal change work, client work and supervision: 340+ hours of professional training including:             


340 + hours of professional training programs, including:

120+ hours of basic training in practical psychology – including a professional training course, personal change work and client work etc,

120+ hours training courses in coaching,

100 hours Trainer’s Training course.

  • documented hours of received personal coaching
10 +  20 + 30+
  • documented hours of received supervision on her/his client work 
20+  20+ hours of received supervision given by a professional supervisor or MT acknowledged by the accredited institute (or ICU)
  • documented hours of given coaching sessions
20 + 30+ 50+ hours of coaching sessions given to more than 10 clients unknown to the student.
During the Certification to demonstrate


a basic level of coaching expertise and show proficiency in the Core Coaching Competencies, as well as:

·       Creates rapport with any coachee

·       Identify the underlying problem behind the presenting symptoms

·       Assist the coachee in eliciting core values and resolving conflicting values

·       Assist the coachee at both the conscious and subconscious levels

·       Help the coachee set up an ecological goal and create focus towards it

·       Identify resistance, check the ecology, and if necessary, create the change needed to achieve the goal

·       Assist the coachee in setting up a plan of action and a way to evaluate the steps leading to the goal.

a professional level of coaching expertise and show proficiency in the Core Coaching Competencies, as well as:

·       Creates rapport with any coachee

·       Identify the underlying problem behind the presenting symptoms

·       Assist the coachee in eliciting core values and resolving conflicting values

·       Assist the coachee at both the conscious and subconscious levels

·       Help the coachee set up an ecological goal and create focus towards it

·       Identify resistance, check the ecology, and if necessary, create the change needed to achieve the goal

·       Assist the coachee in setting up a plan of action and a way to evaluate the steps leading to the goal.


a professional level of coaching expertise and show proficiency in the Core Coaching Competencies, as well as:

·      Creates rapport at a deep level to any coachee

·      Identifies the patterns and basic problems behind the behavior

·      Assists coachee to elicit core values and to resolve conflicting values

·      Assists coachee to make lasting change at the deep level

·      Assists coachee to set up an ecological goal and create focus towards that

·      Assists coachee to set up a plan of action and to find the deep motivation to create the life they wants.

Competencies as:

·      Creates rapport at a deep level with any group

·      Can lead the group participants into different states to support their learning

·      Can teach any topic within their chosen branch overtly and covertly

·      Can teach to the participants’ conscious as well as subconscious mind

·      Supports participant’s learning processes and growth in many ways

·      Can design new training courses and exercises

·      Can do effective demonstrations of all topics within their branch

·      Can give feedback to others with excellent rapport

As highly qualified professionals,


demonstrate a high level of expertise in coaching and training, and that they have made significant contributions to the field and the International Coaches Union Association.




* People who have been trained somewhere else other than with ICU can still join the ICU Association if they pass the Evaluation Interview and meet the criteria for the Membership Category. The evaluation process may include a written evaluation and presenting a session either with a live client or on video (for coaches) or an oral teaching session (for trainers), depending on the category they are applying for. After successfully passing the evaluation, they will receive a Certificate of Evaluation from the ICU Association. Please note that this session is charged separately, and you can inquire about the price and other details if needed here:

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