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Welcome to the Blog of the International Coaches Union Association (ICU)!
Here, we share valuable insights, tips, and inspiration for coaches, coaching enthusiasts, and anyone interested in personal growth and professional development.
Our blog is a hub of knowledge, where you’ll find articles written by experienced coaches and industry experts.

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Events and Conferences

July 16, 2023

Official Plenum of the International Coaches Union Association, ICU. The Opening of a New Milestone in the development of the ICU Association!

We invite you to the grand official Plenum of the International Coaches Union Association (ICU).
This momentous occasion marks the beginning of an exciting journey towards creating a vibrant community of coaching professionals dedicated to making a positive impact in the world.

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An integral coach sees beyond the surface, understands the interconnectedness of all aspects of life, and guides clients towards holistic growth and transformation


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